La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

October 10th, 2010

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La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Office du Jerriaisclothing, La Société Jersiaise, Nouvelles Chroniques

Salutâtions tout l’monde. La saîson d’s’tembre arrive. Thank you to those who attended last month’s meeting. We discussed the theme of the next composition for Les Nouvelles Chroniques, entitled ‘L’s Habits…Vêtements’ and then tried our voices on our Eisteddfod contribution ‘Man Toppeur (my Top Hat)’ by JP.

PhotobucketThe composition piece can include any description or comment on any type of clothing or costume for any occasion which you have worn …or seen and which had importance to you or which has stayed in your memory. The deadline is Hallowe’en.

Our version of Man Toppeur needs improving …..more practice is needed to get our pronunciation correct.

The meeting of the Congrès involved discussion of the arrangements for La Fête Normande next year to be held in St. Helier. More details of the week and the weekend will be given in the next Fieillets. Nominations were also asked for Les Crapauds d’Or awards for last year. On the same note, it was good to see the St. Helier refuse vehicle with Jèrriais written boldly on the side describing its recycling function… Congratulations to Geraint and Lé Conmité d’la Pâraisse.

Our next meeting will be held in the Arthur Mourant Room at 8.00pm on Wed. Oct 6th. for composition ……entouor L’s Habits and for practising Man Toppeur as well as some cataloguing if there’s time.