La dêchang’gie du Vendrédi – Dress-down Friday

October 10th, 2010

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La dêchang’gie du Vendrédi – Dress-down Friday

Office du Jerriaisclothing, Nouvelles Chroniques, vocabulary

haler = take off
dêchiper = take off
sé d’sabilyi = get undressed
lînge dé corps = underwear
drâses = pants, knickers
brâssiéthe = bra
dêbraiesi = take trousers off, debag (also, when referring to a husband, means “henpecked”)
s’dêtchulotter = take one’s trousers off
dêboutonner = unbutton, undo
dêziper = unzip
s’dêbotter = take one’s boots off
s’dêcaûchi = take one’s shoes off
dêblioutchi = unbuckle
dêbreûlé = with clothes in disorder
d’samather = untie
dêlachi = unluce, untie, undo

Même si ch’est Vendrédi, nou dait acouo chinner s’nou veurt contribuer ès Nouvelles Chroniques sus l’thème des habits et des costeunmes. Ch’est la date lînmite chu weekend!