Compound pronouns
lé/la + lî
j’lî donnis un chucrîn = I gave him a sweet
j’lé donnis à Matchi = I gave it to Matthew
j’l’î donnis = I gave it to him
les + lî
ou li’offrit les titchets = she offered him the tickets
ou l’s offrit à Ouillot = she offered them to Bill
ou l’s’i’offrit = she offered them to him
Mêrrienne les’i’offrit = Mary Ann offered them to him
Mêrrienne les’î donnit = Mary Ann gave them to him
lé/la + lus
nou lus vendit la caûminne = they sold them the cottage
nou la vendit ès horsains = they sold it to the foreigners
nou l’us vendit = they sold it to them
les + lus
j’lus jouôtînmes les galots = we threw the pebbles at them
j’les jouôtînmes ès Membres d’s Êtats = we threw them at the States Members
(jé l’s’us jouôtînmes = we threw them at them)
(j’lé s’us jouôtînmes = we threw them at them)
(j’les’us jouôtînmes = we threw them at them)