The Town Crier

June 6nd, 2011

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The Town Crier

Office du JerriaisFête Nouormande, magazines, signs

Bîngue à r'cyclier, Saint Hélyi - Recycling bin in Saint Helier with JèrriaisLé neunmétho du mais d’Juîn du magâsîn d’la Pâraisse dé Saint Hélyi “The Town Crier” a un commentaithe du Connêtabl’ye entouor lé souôtchein d’la Pâraisse pouor lé Jèrriais. Y’a eune articl’ye en Jèrriais “Pliaque à coue” par Geraint Jennings, et d’l’înformâtion entouor La Fête Nouormande.

The June 2011 issue of the Saint Helier Parish magazine has the Connétable mentioning the support the Parish provides for Jèrriais. There’s an article in Jèrriais about heritage interpretation in Town and specifically about the trilingual heritage trail for La Fête Nouormande (which also gets mentioned elsewhere).