Here is a list of the words and phrases we covered in this week’s little Jèrriais lesson on BBC Jersey (Monday 2.30pm). We looked at some words and placenames with a y sound (sometimes written li or i) and a w sound (written ou):
- bliu = blue
- nou n’y vait ni bliu ni blianc = one can’t make head nor tail of it
- Bieaumont = Beaumont; beautiful hill
- Bieau Port = Beauport; beautiful bay
- Pliémont = Plémont
- Lé Pliat Dou = Plat Douet; flat brook
- Pliémue = Plymouth
- Saint Cliément = Saint Clement
- Sonne les clioches = Ring the bells (Jingle bells)
- Bouonne Niet = Bonne Nuit; goodnight
- Noué = Christmas; Noël
- Bouôn Noué! = Merry Christmas!
- La Fête dé Noué
- La Route ès Nouaux = the road of the Noëls
Click on linked words for a sound clip!