Here is a list of the phrases we covered in this week’s little Jèrriais lesson on BBC Jersey (Monday after 6pm). Some more words written with the circumflex accent (the one that looks like a pointed hat) over a vowel: this indicates that the sound is long.
- la bliête = turf, lawn
- souos la bliête = pushing up daisies, six feet under (under the turf)
- bliêter = to pelt with clods of turf
- achouêmi = knock out, clobber
- eune hôlouoge = a clock
- gouôter = to taste
- la preuve du podîn ch’est dé l’gouôter = the proof of the pudding is in the eating
- un ôti = a tool
- un peûle = idiot, scoundrel
- eune ôsaine = window pane
- l’ôsaine dé d’vant = windscreen
- un êssuie-ôsaine = windscreen wiper
Click on linked words for a sound clip!