Des buts du Dictionnaithe – Dictionary snippets

September 9th, 2012

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Des buts du Dictionnaithe – Dictionary snippets

Office du Jerriaisdictionary

Dictionnaire Jersiais-Français contcheint un amas d’entrées tchi connaîssent la caûque-souothis ou f’thaient rithe les cats. Dans chutte séthie, j’en présentons en Angliais tchiqu’s’eunes d’întéthêt.
A series of out-of-the-ordinary entries translated from the Dictionnaire Jersiais-Français.

âqu’sies or âqu’sie, Probably abbrev. of vieillâqu’sies, q.v. Doubtless people believed they were saying vieille âqu’sie. A lot of old stuff and rubbish… Some even say hâqu’sie. The term is becoming rare nowadays; however we used to hear it quite often in our youth, as âqu’thie or d’la hâqu’thie.
vieillâqu’thie, vieillâqu’sie, etc. Old thing, especially an old thing falling into disrepair; rubbish. The term is rather pejorative. Buying old things, old rubbish. An old thing like me!