Lé Nouot’ Péthe – The Lord’s Prayer

July 7nd, 2016

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Lé Nouot’ Péthe – The Lord’s Prayer

Office du Jerriaischurch, L'Assembliée d'Jèrriais, songs

Nou-s’a d’mandé eune vèrsion chantabl’ye d’la Priéthe du Seigneu – Lé Nouot’ Péthe – en Jèrriais.

Né v’chîn la vèrsion tch’a ‘té chantée d’pis bein d’s années ès sèrvice d’L’Assembliée d’Jèrriais:

A short while ago we were asked about a singable version of the Lord’s Prayer in Jèrriais. Here’s the setting as used at Assembliée services for many years – the music has been photocopied so many times that the quality isn’t wonderful – and the origin is unknown (any ideas?):

Et né v’chîn eune vèrsion Anglyicanne dé Robert Stone (dans les 1550) – probabliément la preunmié musique composée pouor la Litourgie en Angliais à la R’formâtion (mais l’adaptâtion pouor l’Jèrriais est d’achteu):

Robert Stone’s Anglican setting is probably the earliest known to be composed for the new English-language liturgy at the Reformation, and has in recent years been adapted for Jèrriais: