World Book Day

March 3rd, 2016

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World Book Day

Office du JerriaisAlice, animals, books, vidgo, weather

Pouor la Journée Mondiale du Livre 2016, Colin a chouaîsi “Eune Pouch’tée d’Poésies”. I’ liet “Eune achie d’plyie” par Ph’lippe Langliais.

Tony a chouaîsi l’preunmié livre înmprînmé en Jèrriais: “Rimes et Poësies Jersiaises de divers auteurs réunies et mises en ordre par A. Mourant”. I’ liet “À Minette” par Henry Luce Manuel.

Geraint a chouaîsi “L’Travèrs du mitheux et chein qu’Alice y dêmuchit”. I’ liet ” La Dgiabl’yéouoqu’thie”.

For World Book Day 2016, Colin has chosen a Jèrriais poetry book, and reads a poem about a shower of rain.

Tony has chosen his copy of the first book published in Jèrriais (1865), and reads part of a poem about a cat.

Geraint has chosen his Jèrriais version of Alice Through the Looking-Glass, and reads Jabberwocky in Jèrriais.