Des buts du Dictionnaithe – Dictionary snippets

July 7th, 2012

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Des buts du Dictionnaithe – Dictionary snippets

Office du Jerriaisdictionary, sport

2012 Summer Olympics torch relay in Saint Helier 02Dictionnaire Jersiais-Français contcheint un amas d’entrées tchi connaîssent la caûque-souothis ou f’thaient rithe les cats. Dans chutte séthie, j’en présentons en Angliais tchiqu’s’eunes d’întéthêt.
A series of out-of-the-ordinary entries translated from the Dictionnaire Jersiais-Français.

olŷmpe, n.f. Person without energy. Oh gracious – what a person without energy! She looks like a person without energy; she seems like a poor person without energy. This is mostly said about a woman. If it’s applied to a man, it’s still used in the feminine, a person without energy. Also said is eune mathette.