Du Jèrriais siez BBC Jèrri

May 5th, 2012

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Du Jèrriais siez BBC Jèrri

Office du Jerriaisditons, radio, transport, vocabulary

Here is a list of the phrases we covered in this week’s little Jèrriais lesson on BBC Jersey (Monday after 6pm).

  • un boulant = a vehicle
  • eune vaituthe = a car
  • eune vouaituthe = a car
  • un moto = a car
  • cachi = to drive
  • un cacheux = a driver
  • la cache = drive
  • lé trafi = traffic
  • eune collision = collision
  • eune avâthie = an accident
  • eune accident = an accident
  • eune séthieuse accident = a serious accident
  • rouôler tchitch’un = run someone over/knock someone down
  • ou fut rouôlée la s’maine pâssée = she was knocked down last week
  • nou vait d’bieaux carrefours quand la tchéthette est vèrsée = one sees the fine crossroads when the cart is overturned (it’s easy to be wise after the event)