The pointy hat song

April 4th, 2012

Jèrriais Logo

The pointy hat song

Office du Jerriaisschools, songs

A with circumflexÀ niolinner à matîn dans eune clâsse, nou compôsit eune arrînmée pouor pratitchi les longues et courtes vouaiyelles:
A quick bit of nonsense put together this morning to help practise differentiating long and short vowels in Jèrriais in a fun way (a circumflex accent, aka a “pointy hat”, marks a long vowel):

The pointy hat song

a is short and â is long:
â a â a makes our song!

è is open more than é.
Let’s all sing è é è é!

é is short – not long like ê.
Sing é ê é ê all day!

i is short, but here’s long î.
Sing i î i î with me!

o is short, but is ô? No!
Give o ô o ô a go!

Look! This ou is short and should
be sung ou ou ou. That’s good!

Here’s another long sound: .
We can sing ou oû ou too!

Here’s another pair for you:
û u û u û u û

Now to end our p’tit niolîn:
houîn… chein… chîn… mains… mîns… fain… fîn!