Musique Jèrriaise – Jèrriais music

June 6th, 2011

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Musique Jèrriaise – Jèrriais music

Office du Jerriaismp3, songs

Faîs'sie d'Cidre 2010 02Nou peut-i’ aver trop d’vèrsions d’Man Bieau P’tit Jèrri en mp3? P’t-êt’ bein qu’nânnîn. Viyant qu’nou-s’en a d’mandé eune vèrsion înstrumentale (sans patholes), né v’chîn acouo d’l’audgo d’chansons populaithes jouées sus l’accordéon.

Can one have too much of a good thing? Is there such a concept as too many versions of the song Beautiful Jersey? Apparently not, judging by the demand for a handy instrumental version. So here’s a handful of mp3s of instrumentals of songs in the Jèrriais repertoire.