cache: As promised, here’s the first in our series on the words in this year’s 10 word challenge for Les Nouvelles Chroniques du Don Balleine. The form cache is given but, as the very flexible and permissive “rules” go, you can treat that as the noun cache, or use any form of the verb cachi, or some derivative like cacheux (driver) or a compound or any idiom. Check out the dictionaries for inspiration. Perhaps you might imagine driving somewhere, and then fitting in the other nine words into the description of a rather mad drive. Or what might happen during a game of hide-and-seek? There are also places called La Cache. Of course, one of the other nine words on the list might provide you with a better starting point…
Here’s a short list of cache-related words and phrases to help:
- la cache = drive
- cache! (int) go away, shoo!
- cachi = drive; drive away, exorcise, chase; thrust
- cache à ta route! = off you go!
- bouonne cache! = good luck!
- cache-dgiâbl’ye = perforate St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum). At Midsummer (la Saint Jean) people used to hang up sprigs of this plant at windows to chase away the devil
- cache-couôsîn = inferior drink
- cache-muche = hide-and-seek; something done in secret, behind other’s back
- nou cache eune idée dans la tête à tchitch’un = one hammers an idea into someone’s (thick) head
- jé n’peux pon m’cachi dans ma tête = I can’t manage to remember
- i’ cache coumme un fo = he drives like a madman
- lé chein tchi veurt sa tèrre bein touônnée faut t’nîn la tchéthue ou bein cachi les j’vaux = whoever wants his land ploughed well will either have to hold the plough ou drive the horses (if you want a job done properly, do it yourself)