La Batâle dé Jèrri – Battle of Jersey

January 1th, 2011

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La Batâle dé Jèrri – Battle of Jersey

Office du Jerriaisfestivals, history

Jersey militia re-enactment Battle of Jersey anniversary 2009 aIn the footsteps of the Jersey Militia
A 230th commemoration of the Battle of Jersey on Saturday 8th January 2011
  • 9.00 a.m. Walkers leave St Ouen’s Church for St Lawrence
  • 10.45 a.m Walkers leave St Lawrence’s Church
  • 12.15 p.m. Public commemoration in the Royal Square of the Battle of Jersey, including the creation of a living tableau after ‘The Death of Major Peirson’ with volleys of musket fire provided by ‘the 1781 Jersey Militia’ and the presentation of militia badges.

In Peirson’s Days:

After the service, most of the congregation repaired to their beloved “Vier Marchi,” and here the battle was fought over again. Listen to one stout militiaman who, with head erect and the air of a conqueror, is relating to “la buonne femme,” and an admiring crowd, what he did on that memorable day. “Sthe ichen que je tua l’Français. Il vint a mé avec sa bajonétte pour me tué, mais devans ch’il eu fait chunnà j’li bailli une cliamuse a la goule avec le gran’ but d’man fusi, en disans: Prenéz chunnà, man garçon. Apres ch’la, j’li donnit une tappe a la tête, et dans une minute il etait mort.” His recital is received with cries of “Brav’ Mait’e Jo ; r’gardez ta buoune femme, ou’lle est bain fiere d’vous. Le Gouverneur té f’ra sergeant pour ch’la.”